Wanted : A Faithful Manager

God desires for us to be faithful managers of His money. He uses the tiny ant as a role model.
Qualities that I need to build into my life include:
Endurance: The willingness to work even in uncomfortable and difficult circumstances. (Proverbs 6:8)
Obedience: Taking God at His word and setting aside money during the harvest to provide for the times when there is no harvest. (Proverbs 6:8)
Initiative: Working without having to be told to do so. (Proverbs 6:7)
Diligence: Completing the task even though I may not feel strong enough, and I am also confronted with what appear to be insurmountable challenges. (Proverbs 30:25)
God declares that the ant is exceedingly wise.
1. Do I want to be a wise manager in God’s eyes?
2. Will I develop the qualities displayed by the ant?
3. Will I encourage others to join me in this noble effort?