Reducing Expenses Today

Most people have some expenses that can be eliminated immediately. These monies will help balance Income and Expenses.
Ordering a soft drink or iced tea at a restaurant increases the expense. Instead, for $1.00 plus 9 cents sales tax you can buy 8 individual packets of Snapple tea mix. Therefore, to create a glass of tea costs approximately 14 cents.
The average restaurant price for a drink is $2.50. However, the total cost becomes $3.08 when sales tax and a 15% tip are included. By mixing your own tea the expense is reduced by $2.94 per meal.

Doing this once a week for a year will reduce expenses by $152.88. Eating out 3 times per week provides you with an annual expense reduction of $458.64.
Haggai encourages us to “Consider my way”. This example is a practical way to stop putting God’s money into a purse with holes (Haggai 1:6-7).