Pride in the Marketplace

We are encouraged to humble ourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt us. (James 4:10) In Proverbs 27:2 we are instructed to allow others to praise us and not boast of our achievements.
Consider this the warning to avoid the Nebuchadnezzar Syndrome. In I Peter 5:5 we are told that God is opposed to the proud. Nebuchadnezzar can attest to this truth.
We face challenges and opposition in the marketplace. Domestic and international competition, political and military unrest, economic cycles, technological innovations, government interference are a representative list. From a personal perspective, the challenges to experience financial freedom add to our anxieties.
This brings us to the choice that we must make as individuals and as organizations. Do we want God on our side or do we want Him to oppose our actions?
What is your decision as an individual or as a company or other group?